What Are The Top Accredited Medical Billing and Coding Online Schools?

Did you know that accredited medical billing and coding online schools can be your ticket to a new career? These schools will make it easy for you to pursue a career in healthcare.

For your career planning, it’s important to choose an accredited medical billing and coding school. This will ensure your education is legitimate and will not cause any problems later on.

Accreditation is important because it ensures that the curriculum is taught the right way. In addition, programs taught by accredited medical billing and coding online schools will meet the requirements of the health department. In other words, these schools are compliant with the rules and regulations that are mandated by the health department.

More Reasons To Enroll In Accredited Online Schools

Accredited medical billing and coding online schools assure high-quality education. With the job market for medical billing and coding professionals growing by approximately 20 percent over the next ten years, you’ll have an edge over the others.

When you choose an accredited medical billing and coding schools, you can be assured that you’re be attending a respected institution of higher learning with programs that will prepare you for your new career. You may even be eligible for additional financial aid to help you afford your education.

Accredited medical billing and coding online schools provide their students with both general education and those focused on specific topics. For instance, students enrolled in these programs may choose to learn about anatomy, human anatomy, basic physiology, diagnostic methods, medical terminology, medical ethics, medical law, medical ethics, pharmacology, radiology, and even computer-aided medical billing and coding.

In order to ensure that you will have an excellent understanding of all of these topics, it is highly recommended that you find a school that offers an accredited medical billing and coding curriculum.

It will also be a lot easier for you to advance in your career if you complete a course from an accredited medical billing and coding online school. Not only do you have to keep your skills updated but you also have to meet the requirements of your new positions.

By taking classes at an accredited school, you can be sure you’ll get the chance to move forward faster. It will also save you time and money by not having to attend classes one by one.

How To Know If The Medical Billing And Coding Online School Is Accredited

The most recommended way to ensure this is to search for accreditation at the Council for Higher Education. It is one of the most respected organizations for regulating accredited medical billing and coding schools.

It is important to note that there are two different national accreditation boards for medical billing and coding. They are known as the Commission on Accreditation of Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Some medical billing and coding online schools are accredited, but not by the two national accreditation boards mentioned above. Nonetheless, they are accredited and students would have to take an exam that’s compliant with AHIMA to be certified.

At the same time, there are some accredited schools that are directly certified by the CAHIIM and AHIMA.

The top accredited medical billing and coding online schools have been ranked according to their tuition or cost per credit. It’s worth noting that the twenty online schools on the list have all been accredited by a U.S. educational accrediting agency.

Furthermore, their medical billing and coding programs are all accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education or CAHIIM.

That said, here are the 20 top accredited medical billing and coding online schools.

20. Davenport University

The Davenport University makes it to the list of the top accredited medical billing and coding online schools. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), they offer a Health Information Technology degree program that is also accredited by CAHIIM. Online tuition for Michigan residents is $815 per credit. (1) (2)

19. DeVry University

DeVry University is also accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. At the same time, their Online Health Information Technology associate degree program boasts accreditation from CAHIIM as well. The cost per credit is $776. (3) (4)

18. Mercy College Of Ohio

Mercy College of Ohio has accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. Their Health Information Technology program is an associate of applied science degree. It boasts accreditation from CAHIIM in association with the American Health Information Management Association or AHIMA. The cost per credit is $540 per credit hour. (5) (6)

17. Ultimate Medical Academy

Ultimate Medical Academy is a healthcare learning institution that’s accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools or ABHES. At the same time, their Health Information Technology degree program is CAHIIM-accredited as well. The cost per credit hour for an associate degree and diploma programs is $450. (7) (8)

16. Fisher College

Accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education, Fisher College takes pride in its Health Information Technology and Health Information Management programs that are CAHIIM-accredited as well. The tuition per credit hour is $400. (9) (10)

15. Sullivan University

Sullivan University has accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges or SACSCOC. It offers an Associate of Science in Health Information Management, which is a CAHIIM accredited program. Tuition is $375 per credit hour. (11) (12)

14. Georgia Northwestern Technical College

Georgia Northwestern Technical College is under the accreditation of SACSCOC to grant an Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Information Management Technology. This program is accredited by CAHIIM. The standard tuition and fees for in-state students is $355 per hour, while it’s $531 for out-state students. (13) (14)

13. Dakota State University

Dakota State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It offers CAHIIM-accredited programs on Health Information Management. The cost per credit for in-state students is $351.25. For out-state students, it’s $460.85 (15) (16)

12. American National University

The American National University holds two accreditations. One from the Distance Education Accrediting Commission or DEAC. Another one from the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools or ABHES. Their Health Information Management program holds an independent accreditation from CAHIIM, with cost per credit at $333. (17) (18)

11. Rasmussen College

Rasmussen College is under the accreditation of the Higher Learning Commission. Together with their learning accreditation is a CAHIIM accreditation for their Health Information Technician Associate’s Degree and Health Information Management Bachelor’s Degree programs. The standard cost per credit is $260. (19) (20)

10. Minnesota State Community And Technical College

The Higher Learning Commission has accredited Minnesota State Community and Technical College to grant an AAS degree in Health Information Technology/Coding. This is a CAHIIM-accredited program that requires the completion of 64 credits. The online tuition is $198.95 per credit. (21) (22)

9. Rochester Community And Technical College

Rochester Community and Technical College is also accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. They have various program accreditations and one of which is the CAHIIM-accredited Health Information Management Program. There are three options for this particular program. These are Health Information Technology (AAS), Healthcare Informatics (Diploma), and Coding Specialist (Diploma). Tuition is $198.90 per credit. (23) (24)

8. Northwest Iowa Community College

Northwest Iowa Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It also boasts specialized accreditation of academic programs. Their Health Information Technology program is CAHIIM-accredited. The tuition per semester credit for online classes is $195. (25) (26)

7. Marion Technical College

Marion Technical College is another educational institution that’s accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Aside from that, it has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM for its Health Information Technology Program. Tuition varies, depending on the residency of the student. For Ohio students, it’s $190 per credit hour. For non-residents, it’s $270. (27) (28)

6. Hazard Community And Technical College

Hazard Community and Technical College is accredited by the SACSCOC as a learning institution. At the same time, its Health Information Technology program is accredited by CAHIIM. Tuition for in-state students is $179 per credit hour. For out-state students from contiguous counties, it $358 per credit hour. Out-of-state students would have to pay $627 per credit hour. (29) (30)

5. Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It offers a Health Information Technology program, which holds specialized accreditation from CAHIIM. For online tuition and fees, in-state students would have to pay $162.80 per credit. For out-state students, per credit is $232.25. (31) (32)

4. Neosho County Community College

Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, Neosho County Community College has an independent accreditation for their Health Information Management program. The tuition for their online campus varies. For Neosho County residents, it’s $133. Kansas residents would have to pay $148. Out-state students would have to pay $170, while international students would have to pay $221. (33) (34)

3. Eastern Gateway Community College

Eastern Gateway Community College is also accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It offers an associate degree program on Health Information Management, which has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. The tuition rates are as follows: $131 per credit hour for Jefferson County residents, $137 for other Ohio residents, $245 for out-state students. (35) (36)

2. Hutchinson Community College

Hutchinson Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Two of their programs under the Allied Health Department are accredited by CAHIIM. These are the AAS Health Information Management and Transcription Specialists Certificate programs. The cost per credit for in-state students is $116 and for out-state, it’s $147. (37) (38)

1.  Metropolitan Community College

Metropolitan Community College or MCC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It also holds various program accreditations, one of which is the CAHIIM-accredited Health Data and Information Management program. MCC is number one on the list of the top accredited medical billing and coding online schools because of its affordability. Its standard tuition is $66.00 per credit hour. (39) (40).

If you have a desire to be trained in a particular medical area, you should consider choosing an accredited medical billing and coding school. This will give you the foundation you need to succeed. It also allows you to advance your career in whatever field suits you best.