Are There Any APA Accredited Online Psychology Programs?

Are there any APA accredited online psychology programs? APA is also known as the American Psychological Association.

APA accreditation gives credibility to psychology programs. So, if you’re wondering if there are any APA accredited online psychology programs, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to see if there are any APA accredited online psychology programs.


Are There Any APA Accredited Online Psychology Programs?

Yes, there are APA accredited online psychology programs. These programs are coming from the Fielding Graduate University.

The said university is located in Santa Barbara, California. Their psychology programs are the only ones that are accredited by the APA. Suffice to say, the Fielding Graduate University is the only learning institution that is accredited by the APA. (1)

The psychology programs offered by the Fielding Graduate University are Clinical Psychology, Infant and Early Childhood Development (with an emphasis in Mental Health), Psychology (distance learning), Media Psychology, Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Psychology, Postdoctoral Certificate in Respecialization in Clinical Psychology, and Neuropsychology Specialization Training Program.

APA-accredited programs ensure quality education and training. So, if you’re interested in a career in clinical psychology, APA-accredited programs from the Fielding Graduate University are highly-regarded.

Not only are APA-accredited programs the most respected and well-regarded, but their rigorous requirements help employers know that they have the proper education and skills to succeed.

If you look closely, the APA only accredits doctoral degrees in psychology. It does not accredit master’s and bachelor’s degrees. So, if you’re looking for APA accredited online psychology programs, expect to see only doctorate degrees.

For now, it is unclear what the requirements are for APA accreditation. However, if you’re considering taking up an APA-accredited program, you’d have to be pursuing the highest education in psychology. These are Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) and PsyD degrees (Doctor of Psychology).

The APA accredits doctoral programs in psychology and other psychology-related programs. This accreditation ensures that students receive appropriate supervision and resources throughout their training.

APA’s accreditation of online psychology programs includes a hands-on component. APA-accredited online PsyD programs ensure that students have practical experience in the field.

Some of these experiences can be virtual, such as mock therapy sessions. However, a significant portion of them must take place in person. In addition to the online component of an APA-accredited PsyD program, the program also requires students to complete a Master’s degree.

APA accreditation is the gold standard for psychology education. It is required for doctoral programs in psychology, so it’s essential to find an accredited online program.

The APA has strict standards for accredited online programs, so look for one that meets these requirements. While it is difficult to get accredited for online psychology programs, the online programs from Fielding Graduate University were able to achieve this elusive status.

There are several options for pursuing your Psy.D. degree in psychology online. You can choose to focus on clinical work or research, and you can earn your degree entirely online.

If you choose to pursue a Ph.D. degree, you can opt to focus on clinical work, research, or both, and still gain a broad knowledge of psychology.

While APA accreditation isn’t necessary for an online psychology program, it is important to keep in mind that several other reputable organizations accredit online psychology programs.

Most state licensing boards require that applicants earn their degree from an APA-accredited institution and complete a supervised internship at an APA-accredited school.

PsyD is an excellent choice if you plan to practice clinical psychology or conduct research. And while it is important to be aware of all of the benefits associated with a PsyD program, it is not the only one available.

The primary advantage of a PsyD degree is that it prepares you for a variety of clinical settings. A PsyD is ideal for those who are interested in direct patient care or working in a group setting.

In addition, PsyD graduates often cross over into teaching and research. This makes them very valuable in the field of clinical psychology.

Aside from APA accreditation, there are also two main types of psychology program accreditation. These are regional and national accreditations.

Colleges and universities are either regionally or nationally accredited. Eighty-five percent of colleges and universities in the United States are regionally accredited. On the other hand, fifteen percent are nationally accredited. (2)

Accreditation from recognized regional or national accrediting agencies opens up more employment opportunities and membership opportunities for graduates. These accreditation standards are widely recognized and are required to earn a doctorate in psychology.

The accreditation level of a psychology program will vary greatly, from regional to national. Accredited programs meet specific criteria to qualify students to teach in the field. Accreditation also makes it easier for graduates to get licensure as psychologists.

Nonetheless, APA accreditation is an important factor to look for when choosing an online program for psychology. Accreditation from APA ensures that a program meets high standards, which are crucial when you are looking for employment or licensing.

Accredited programs also offer peace of mind to potential employers, as they have the necessary credentials to be successful candidates. A high-quality education will help you get ahead in life, so don’t compromise quality for the sake of cost.

How Important Is APA Accreditation?

APA accreditation is important in two ways. First, it serves as a quality-control tool.

An APA-accredited program has a sequential training curriculum, qualified faculty in sufficient numbers, adequate supervision, and adequate physical resources.

Secondly, it provides an indication of the program’s standards, which must be outlined in its handbook. Hence, accreditation helps students make informed decisions about their educational programs.

APA accreditation is a form of quality control and assurance that can be traced back to the standards that the organization establishes for its members.

APA accreditation is an important tool in assessing an educational institution’s quality. It provides a formal process for evaluation and continuous improvement of the educational program.

What Does It Mean To Be Accredited By The APA?

APA accreditation assures that a program meets or exceeds its objectives over time. Since higher education is expensive, accreditation provides assurance that you’ll receive a worthwhile return on your investment.

APA accreditation ensures quality assurance. Quality assurance is a systematic and planned process for monitoring educational, scholarly, and institutional standards. It also ensures reliability, consistency, and fair practices.

APA Accredited Master’s Programs

Although the American Psychological Association is the primary accreditation body for graduate programs in psychology, it does not accredit undergraduate or master’s degree programs.

Doctoral programs accredited by APA are more comprehensive and uniform and are tied directly to general licensing requirements.

So, if you’re looking for APA accredited online psychology programs, you’re only going to be able to find doctorate degree programs from Fielding Graduate University.