What Are The Best Accredited Medical Billing And Coding Online Schools?

The one question many people ask when they’re contemplating whether or not to attend a medical billing and coding school is this. What are the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools?

The good news is that there are a lot of medical billing and coding schools to choose from these days. However, the long list of such schools might just confuse you. Before going through the list of the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Critical Factors To Consider

The first factor to consider is the learning environment. There are two types of learning environment you can choose from, onsite or distance education.

If you prefer onsite learning, you’ll need to plan on spending more time in a classroom. Onsite programs usually require students to report to the campus every day, which can take up a lot of your time.

Distance education or online learning is a more practical learning environment especially for some folks who are employed and do not want to travel to the campus. This particular learning environment allows them to study at their own pace.


A fully online program allows students receiving financial aid to complete the entire course at their own pace. Students can access tutoring 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They don’t have to worry about if they have an exam to take the next day or if a classmate needs help to finish some papers.

Online programs are also convenient because there is no commute to class. In addition to the convenience of fully online programs, many colleges and universities offer online associate degrees as well.

Another critical factor to consider is the accreditation of the school. The importance of accreditation should be one of the first factors you look at when selecting a program.

Accredited programs are more likely to provide graduates with the training they need to succeed, thereby increasing their earning potential and the number of job opportunities available to them once they complete their schooling.

Medical billing and coding schools must be accredited in order to maintain the highest level of professionalism. It is vital that colleges and universities with accreditation maintain strict rules with regard to the way in which they administer their degree programs.

Best Accredited Medical Billing And Coding Online Schools List

Here’s our list of the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools based on their accreditation and cost. Keep in mind that these top accredited medical billing and coding online schools may be accredited nationally or regionally.

Three crucial things were taken into consideration when ranking the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools. The first consideration is the accreditation of the learning institution. Accreditations from educational agencies such as the Higher Learning Commission or the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) are critical factors to consider.

Second is the independent program accreditation from healthcare agencies such as the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education or CAHIIM. The third, which is the most important, is the cost.

20. Davenport University

The list of the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools starts off with Davenport University. Backed up by its accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, it also offers a CAHIIM-accredited degree program on Health Information Technology. The cost per credit for Michigan residents is $815. (1) (2)

19. DeVry University

DeVry University also boasts of accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. It offers a degree program called Online Health Information Technology, which is accredited by CAHIIM as well. Tuition for their CAHIIM-accredited program is $776 per credit. (3) (4)

18. Mercy College Of Ohio

Mercy College of Ohio has an educational accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. At the same time, its Health Information Technology degree program is also accredited by CAHIIM. Upon the completion of the program, students earn an associate of applied science degree. The cost per credit hour is $540. (5) (6)

17. Ultimate Medical Academy

Ultimate Medical Academy offers mostly allied health education programs. As a healthcare learning institution, it’s accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). The health programs it offers are also accredited by various healthcare agencies. A good example is their CAHIIM-accredited Health Information Technology associate degree that costs $450 per credit hour. (7) (8)

16. Fisher College

Fisher College is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.  At the same time, their programs on Health Information Technology and Health Information Management are accredited by CAHIIM as well. Tuition for these programs is $400 per credit hour. (9) (10)

15. Sullivan University

As a learning institution, Sullivan University is backed up by its accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges or SACSCOC. One of the many programs it offers is Health Information Management, which is an AS degree. Most importantly, it’s accredited by CAHIIM. The cost per credit hour is $375. (11) (12)

14. Georgia Northwestern Technical College

Georgia Northwestern Technical College is another learning institution that’s accredited by SACSCOC.  It grants an AS degree in Health Information Management Technology. This degree program is accredited by CAHIIM. In-state students would have to pay the standard tuition of $355 per credit hour. For out-state students, it’s $531. (13) (14)

13. Dakota State University

Dakota State University offers Health Information Management programs that are accredited by CAHIIM. As an educational institution, it’s accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Tuition for in-state students is $351.25 per credit hour. It’s $460.85 for out-state students. (15) (16)

12. American National University

As a learning institution, American National University holds two accreditations. These accreditations are from ABHES and Distance Education Accrediting Commission or DEAC. Aside from those accreditations, they boast program accreditations as well. One of which is from CAHIIM for their Health Information Management program. The tuition for this particular program is $333 per credit hour. (17) (18)

11. Rasmussen College

Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission to grant an associate and bachelor’s degree, Rasmussen College also offers independent accredited programs. Both their associate degree program on Health Information Technician and bachelor’s degree program on Health Information Management are accredited by CAHIIM. The standard tuition cost is $260 per credit hour. (19) (20)

10. Minnesota State Community And Technical College

Minnesota State Community and Technical College is backed up by its accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission to grant a CAHIIM-accredited degree in Health Information Technology/Coding. This is an AAS degree program, consisting of 64 credits. It costs $198.95 per credit. (21) (22)

9. Rochester Community And Technical College

Rochester Community and Technical College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission to grant degrees and diplomas. Their Health Information Technology program is an AAS degree. Their Healthcare Informatics and Coding Specialist are both diploma programs. Most importantly, they are all accredited by CAHIIM. The cost of these programs is $198.90 per credit. (22) (23)

8. Northwest Iowa Community College

Northwest Iowa Community College is accredited by the Higher learning as an educational institution. At the same time, it offers academic programs with specialized accreditations. One good example is their Health Information Technology program that is accredited by CAHIIM. Tuition for online classes is $195 per credit hour. (24) (25)

7. Marion Technical College

Marion Technical College has accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. At the same time, its Health Information Technology Programs has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. Tuition for Ohio students is $190 per credit, while it’s $270 for non-residents. (27) (28)

6. Hazard Community And Technical College

As a learning institution, Hazard Community and Technical College has accreditation from the SACSCOC.  It also boasts an independent accreditation for its Health Information program from CAHIIM. In-state students would have to pay $179 per credit hour. For out-state students, the tuition ranges from $358 to $627 per credit hour. (29) (30)

5. Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is backed up by its accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission to grant degrees. One of which is a CAHIIM-accredited degree program on Health Information Technology. Tuition for in-state students is $162.80 per credit. It’s $232.25 for out-state students. (31) (32)

4. Neosho County Community College

Neosho County Community College is also accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It offers a Health Information Management program that has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. Tuition for Neosho County residents is $133. It’s $148 for Kansas residents and $170 for out-state students. (33) (34)

3. Eastern Gateway Community College

Eastern Gateway Community College has accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. At the same time, it has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM for its Health Information Management program. This is an associate degree program with cost per credit hour of $131 for Jefferson County residents. Ohio residents would have to pay $137, while out-state students would have to pay $245. (35) (36)

2. Hutchinson Community College

Hutchinson Community College boasts various accreditations. As an educational institution, it’s backed up by its accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. it offers CAHIIM-accredited programs through their Allied Health Department. These are the Transcription Specialist Certificate and AAS Health Information Management programs. Hutchinson Community College makes it second on the list of the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools for its affordable tuition. It’s $116 for in-state students and $147 for out-state students. (37) (38)

1. Metropolitan Community College

Metropolitan Community College (MMC) makes it to the top of the list of the best accredited medical billing and coding online schools. As an educational institution, it has accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.  Furthermore, its Health Data and Information Management program has an independent accreditation from CAHIIM. Best of all, its cost per credit is $66.00. (39) (40)

Benefits of Completing Accredited Medical Billing And Coding Programs

Individuals who have completed accredited medical billing and coding degree programs are often eligible to apply for higher-paying positions in their field. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon to be offered a higher starting salary and potential promotion once you have completed a degree program.

You may also find that you will have access to more job options once you get your diploma because you will be more competent with medical terminology and the latest technology. This will lead to better pay in your current job and give you the opportunity to advance up the ladder of management once you decide to go back to school.